Monday, February 16, 2009

The first of the postings

For those of you who have undoubtedly stumbled upon my blog by accident-for it is impossible for it to happen any other way as this is a brand new site-I welcome you.   For those of you who are pedophiles, necrophiliacs, serial killers, or dendrophiles; I ask you to leave now.  In the past few weeks, I have debated in my mind the subject of beginning a blog.  My rationale was that out of the six billion plus people on this Earth, there would be at least seven of you who would enjoy reading this, the only thing stopping me in the past was that I didn't want to cause the other 5,999,999,993 of you to go wildly and uncontrollably insane from reading the crazy rants and raves that originate from the deepest and darkest corners of this place called my mind.  I often ponder the idea of a mind.  It is truly amazing to think that without the mind, the body is an empty shell; yet without the body, the mind is powerless.  It is also amazing how easily the mind becomes complacent without the proper motivation.  How easy it could be to sit in your oh-so-comfortable armchair and veg out while watching less than entertaining daytime television, while at the same time, punishing your body with the insane amount of junk foods that are cheaper to buy than anything else.  It takes motivation to keep the mind from becoming complacent, I for example, am a beautiful example of a hypocrite in this situation.  I am completely aware of this fact and yet all I did today was watch daytime television, munch on frito's, and get up for the occasional ciggarette, bathroom break, and laundry.  No, I did not do anything productive today and here I sit at 10 til' 1 in the morning typing this blog.  As you may deduce at this point, my thought process is quite random and I have an opinion on just about any topic you can think of.  So here is my challenge to you; the reader.  Post a comment on this posting with something you would like to hear me muse over.  I will honor each comment and I leave the success of this blog in your hands.

Good day